
Albe's Seton Hill Experience Video的 strategic management of key resources is necessary in every business situation. Seton Hill can provide you with the background and skills you’ll need to move forward with confidence into a business management role.

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Why Study Business Management at Seton Hill?

有趣的课程 & 实践经验

At Seton Hill you can enjoy courses taught by professors with practical experience in the field. 的 Business Management major includes courses such as:

  • 领导 and Change Management
  • 金融学原理
  • 营销管理
  • 人力资源管理
  • 商业法
  • 项目与团队管理
  • 业务流程改进
  • Operations and Supply Chain Management
  • 可持续性管理
  • Information Technology Management

Coursework will be supported by at least one practical internship in a business setting. 


的 Best Possible Foundation for Success

的 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (B.S.B.A.) degrees at Seton Hill are designed to give you the best possible foundation for business success. In addition to gaining experience and knowledge specific to accounting, you will also study in the areas of:

Business Tools for Decision Making  

Business College of Distinction Logo

企业道德等课程, Data Analytics and Quantitative Methods in Business will teach you how to use the tools business leaders use to make strategic business decisions.


Business courses that will support your career no matter where it takes you, 像统计数据, accounting and micro and macroeconomics.

多样性 & 包容

歧视等课程, Inequality and Economic Development will provide context for supporting a business environment that treats all people with dignity and provides opportunity to all.

B项为B项。.S. & an 工商管理硕士 in 5 Years (for Less $) 快进计划标志

通过 FastForward Bachelor’s to 工商管理硕士 Program, undergraduate students in most majors at Seton Hill can earn both a bachelor’s degree and an 工商管理硕士 in five years.


Business majors have fun and gain practical experience in networking and professional development through the:

  • 商业俱乐部 
  • MarComm俱乐部
  • Student Chapter of the Society for 人力资源管理 (SHRM) 
  • 西顿希尔大学 Enactus Team 

More information on these and all student clubs can be found under 俱乐部 & 组织.

你也可以成为一名教师Teaching Certification Graphic

If you think you'd like to teach business, you can get your teaching certification in Business, Computer and Information Technology at Seton Hill while earning your business degree.


就业中心图表的 need for skilled business managers continues to grow. Compensation varies based on type of organization and level of education. In 2020, the median annual wage for chief executives was $185,950 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. General and operations managers made an average of $103,650. 西顿·希尔的获奖作品 Career and Professional Development Center 会和你一起工作, 你的教授, 和地方, regional and national employers to provide you with the career preparation skills, internship opportunities and placement services you need to keep moving up. 和, like the benefits of your Seton Hill education, the resources of the Career Center will remain available to you after you graduate.哪个中心图形


Wukich Center for Entrepreneurial Opportunities (Wukich CEO) provides support just for Seton Hill students who are interested in creating a new business.

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安排参观! (You just may see your future from here.)